Safety in the Outdoors
Outdoor operators are serious about the safety of their staff and participants. In 2019 the Outdoor Council of Australia released the Australian Adventure Activity Standard and Good Practice Guides. This was an important step to ensuring an increased use of good practice and also increasing consistency of operations. The ultimate goal is to ensure everyone is safe in the Outdoors when they are doing activities they love.
Outdoors NSW & ACT together with the insurance sector compiled the areas that assured the best opportunity for land access, insurance coverage and to minimise harm to the industry. In partnership with Affinity Insurance Brokers, an education program was created to help educate the operators and organisations within the industry on these areas.
This program remains free for all Outdoors NSW & ACT members and also Affinity Insurance Broker clientele.
Keeping the Industry Compliant
Every outdoor operator has the responsibility to ensure they are showcasing the best safety management and risk management practices when showcasing imagery to the general public.
This is important for many reasons but largely we are concerned that bad practice imagery can convey acceptable practice to the general public.
We have a roll to keep people safe in the Outdoors and if in doubt, the public should use qualified Outdoor operators to ensure they not only have the best time but come home safe after the experience.
Have you seen any unsafe practices?
If this practice/incident is of an extreme risk or urgent nature we urge you to contact the relevant SafeWork agency directly and immediately.
SafeWork also invite safety compliance notifications through their relevant websites (links below).
However, if you feel it is more an image issue and not a regular practice and can be dealt with through conversations with the relevant industry body, then complete our confidential form here.
Report to relevant WorkSafe Authorities
Click on relevant state / territory below
Outdoors NSW & ACT has released this image guide for use by destination promotion agencies and those that may be less familiar with the AAAS Framework (Australian Adventurous Activity Standard and Activity Good Practice Guides).